Rawhide Shield
Rawhide Shield
This decorated Rawhide Shield will make a great accent for your home or a new regalia accessory! The crafter started with a 17" Rawhide Round. He painted the front with Red and Black paint in a spotted design. Then he wrapped a piece of Wool in soft Red around the top. This he attached with 0.5" wide hand cut Cream Deerskin Leather Lacing. He further decorated the Shield with Ermine Skins, Black & White Horsehair Drops, Tin Cones, Brass Cones, Cowrie Shells and more!On the back you will find a piece of Deerskin Leather Lacing that you can use to hang the Shield for display. Or, if you choose to use it for an accessory, there are hand cut Braintanned Deerskin Leather straps so you can wear it on your arm.
A previous owner used this Shield, but it remains in very good condition.
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Categories: AccessoriesClothingCollectiblesContemporary
SKU: 2222-002-142
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