Basket Rectangle Box with LidBasket Rectangle Box with LidBasket Rectangle Box with Lid
Basket Rectangle Box with Lid

Basket Rectangle Box with Lid

Basket Rectangle Box with Lid

This antique basket will make a perfect addition to your collection!  The basket maker used braided sweetgrass and blue dyed ash splints on the bottom and lid of the box. The color has faded from the outside of the Basket but you can see the beautiful blue color on the inside and lid.
This braided sweetgrass and ash basket rectangle box with lid remains in good condition. You will find very minor breaks in the splints and could be used for storage. He or she made the basket in the early 1900's.
This Basket measures 3″ tall with the cover on, 7″ in length and 3″ wide.
One of a Kind!
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We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at

Categories: AntiquesCollectibles

SKU: 2222-333-008

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