Trade Beads Blue Russian Strand

Trade Beads Blue Russian Strand

Strand of 6mm Blue Russian Trade Beads

SOLD This Strand of Blue Russian Trade Beads has a mix of approx. 150 6mm-9mm faceted beads on natural fiber. The beads are different shades of blue.
Russian explorers traded Blue Russian Beads to the Native Americans in Alaska and Canada starting in the 1700s. Their appeal lies in their blue color and their faceted appearance. Blue Russian Beads likely originated in Czechoslovakia. Russian traders may have purchased them directly from traders in Europe, or possibly from the Hudson Bay Company.  Traders brought a large variety of glass beads to the Americas including Padre Beads, large round Hudson Bay trade beads, Venetian Millefiori Trade Beads, sand casted beads and more!
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SKU: 2222-003-468

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