Crooked Knife Carved Blue Handle
Crooked Knife with Curved Wood Handle
Add this Crooked Knife Carved Blue Handle to your collection. You will love the patina on the painted wood handle. The crafter carved the wood handle into a curved shape and added cross hatches to the sides. Wire wrapped around the end holds the metal blade in place. The crafter painted the handle blue.Crooked Knives are a type of knife with a curved or hooked blade that is used for woodworking, particularly in carving and shaping wood. Crafters angle the blade at the end to allow for more precise cuts and greater control over the knife. They are also known as Mocotaugan, and are a common tool used by Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands. European settlers eagerly adapted this essential tool for their own use. Crafters often form the handles into a variety of shapes and decorate them with intricate designs. Author Ned Jalbert's book, Mocotaugan The Story and Art of the Crooked Knife: The Woodlands Indian's Indispensable Survival Tool, examines the history of these knives and the artform of making them.
This Crooked Knife measures about 9" long with a 3.25" blade. This knife came from a collection and shows wear and rust on the blade. One of Kind!
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Categories: CollectiblesVintage
SKU: 2222-003-389
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