Cradle Wooden Frame
Wooden Frame Cradleboard Model
SOLD This delightful Wooden Frame Cradle will make a fabulous addition to your collection! The crafter made it with natural wood, Deerskin Leather Lacing and Cowhide Leather Lacing. He or she attached the back pieces together with pieces of Deerskin Leather Lacing. Then the crafter attached the foot board with a piece of Black Deerskin Leather Lacing. He or she used Cowhide Leather Lacing to create the front webbing that would hold the baby on the cradleboard. Cowhide Leather Lacing also holds the top rim to the back. The photograph shows a bundle of rolled fabric under the webbing.Cradleboards are traditional protective baby-carriers used by many Native American cultures in North America. Cradleboards come in a variety of styles depending on where they are used. Some indigenous communities in North America still use cradleboards. Crafters may decorate them with intricate carvings, beadwork, or other cultural symbols. This Cradleboard measures 15.5" long x 6" wide. The top rim extends about 6.5". You will see "D-38" in black on the back. We got this Cradleboard from a collection. It is in very good condition. One of a Kind!
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Read the Denver Art Museum Leaflet Main Types of Indian Cradles
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We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at
SKU: 2222-003-643
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