Set of 3 Chevron Beads
Set of 3 Chevron Beads
Chris picked up several large Chevron Beads. We are offering them to the discerning collector or crafter. Some are older, some are new and shiny.This set includes 3 large Chevron Beads. One is oval, the other two have squared off ends. Chris says this set of 3 will make a fine center for a necklace. Use the 2 angle-ended beads to flank the larger oval bead.
We are selling these as a set.
One of a Kind!
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This item has sold but we have archived it for reference purposes. You may find a similar item available at Please click on the links below to see what we have currently in stock.
We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at
SKU: 2222-001-733
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