Quilled Wapegnaki and Armbands
Quilled Wapegnaki and Armbands
This set of a Quilled Wapegnaki and Armbands would make a fine addition to any collection! Wapegnaki is a name for a Plains Indian Hair Ornament. These Hair Ornaments typically feature a strip of beadwork or quillwork with a length of hair coming from the bottom. They might also have feathers and tassels attached to them.This set includes a Northern Plains style roach spreader with a quillwork Wapegnaki attached. The roach spreader is made of bone, measures 6" long 3 2/8" wide, and has been repaired at the top. The sockets on the spreader are also bone. They are attached with wire and sinew respectively. The right tip on the base of the spreader has broken off. The spreader has holes drilled at the base for the purpose of attaching the wapegnaki.
The wapegnaki is the shining star of this set! It features six rows of red, yellow, and pale purple quillwork in a cross design backed on a 7 3/4" by 1 1/2" piece of rawhide (see photo.) Long Braintanned lace drops with red quills and handmade tin cones are affixed to the top corners of the rawhide. Hanging from the base of the rawhide are three shorter drops with White Center Red Pony beads and tin cones. In addition, a 12 1/2" bundle of black horsehair hangs off the back of the wapegnaki.Completing this set are two matching 11"armbands featuring three rows of quillwork and backed on rawhide. They are, of course, the same color scheme and pattern as the wapegnaki. The armbands have Braintanned drops with brass beads tied at the center of the pattern. They each have one additional long drop with red quills and a White Center Red Pony bead near the opening of the armband. The armbands have braintanned lace tie closures.
The length from the top of the roach spreader to the end of the horse hair is 26".
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Categories: CollectiblesContemporary
SKU: 2222-888-023
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