Plains Style Leggins
Plains Style Leggins
Don't miss these beautiful handmade and finished Plains Style Leggins! Master Craftsman Andy Bullock designed this set himself. He used Navy Blue Broadcloth Wool with Gold silk Ribbon trim. Braintanned Deerskin Leather Lacing ties hold the sides together and hangs from the bottom of the beaded strip. Andy added some heavy stitching to the top of the Leggins for reinforcement. He also attached Braintanned Deerskin Leather Lacing as ties at the top.The 5 row Lazy Stitched beaded strips reproduce a 1900s Plains design. Andy chose White, Black, Green, Turquoise, Greasy Yellow, and White Center Red Seed Beads. You will find the cut Blue Seed Beads in the cross especially eye catching!
The Leggins measure 29.25" long x 13" wide overall. The side flaps increase to 6.5" wide at the bottom, leaving a 7" wide ankle. The thigh measures 12" wide at the top. The beaded strips measure 20.5" long x 3" wide.
Andy wore these Leggins himself, but they remain in excellent condition!
One of a Kind!
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Categories: ClothingLeggins & Aprons
SKU: 2222-999-506
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