Necklace – Bird Fetish Necklace
Bird Fetish Necklace
This stunning Bird Fetish Necklace features stylized carved birds in a unique combination of moss green Veriscite from Nevada and rich red Catlinite from Minnesota.This Necklace is 34" long. The graduated fetishes vary in size from 1.75" to 2.25" long. The shorter fetishes appear at the top of the necklace. Thus, the bird fetishes increase in size as they move to the center of the necklace. Each bird fetish is hand carved and expresses the unique personality of each member of this "flock".
You will get a lot of attention when you are wearing this Bird Fetish Necklace. The carvings are well done. This necklace is an impressive piece of wearable art!
You will find more One of a Kind Necklaces in The Wandering Bull Native American Trading Post! So, click on the links below to start shopping now!
Was $395.00
One of a Kind!
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We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at
SKU: 2222-555-123
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