Bag Corn Husk Striped
Bag Corn Husk Striped
This is a fine example of a Corn Husk Bag. These type of flat, twined Bags come from the Plateau region of the United States. Native Americans use Corn Husk bags for a variety of purposes including storing and transporting items, and as a form of art. Crafters added decoration to the bags with 'false embroidery', by wrapping colored fiber or yarn around the weft strands. They often created different designs for each side of the bag. On this Corn Husk Bag you will see multiple colored stripes. One side features Pink, Maroon, Blue, Red and Dark Green. The other side shows Green, Teal and Yellow stripes. The handle is made from Braintanned Deerskin Leather Lacing. The Bag comes with a tag that says Umatilla near Umatilla River Oregon. The other side looks like it says Gottshall Coll. This Bag measures 13" long. The width varies from 10.5" at the top to 11.5" wide at the bottom. It is in very good condition and will make an excellent addition to your collection. One of a Kind! Shop for more Collectibles!This item has sold but we have archived it for reference purposes. You may find a similar item available at Please click on the links below to see what we have currently in stock.
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SKU: 2222-777-029
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