Bag Beaded Antique Micmac StyleBag Beaded Antique Micmac StyleBag Beaded Antique Micmac Style
Bag Beaded Antique Micmac Style

Bag Beaded Antique Micmac Style

Bag Beaded Antique Micmac Style

You will love the crisp designs on this Antique Micmac Style Beaded Bag!  The crafter used Brown Velvet bound with ribbon on the edges to create the Bag.  He or she made stylized Double Curve designs on both sides with Cheyenne Pink, Pony Trader Blue, Sioux Green, White and Transparent Alabaster Seed Beads. Along the edges of the Bag and the front flap, the crafter used Black & White Seed beads for Edge Beading.   He or she lined the Bag with Fabric and added a metal Concho as a closure.
This Antique Beaded Bag remains brilliant to look at.  You will see bead loss along the edges (the crafter may have had a double row of Edge Beading all around).  The ribbon trim has deteriorated in a few places and the metal Concho has rusted.
This Bag measures 5.5" x 5".  It does not have a handle.
The colors and designs on this Beaded Bag make it very appealing. Add it to your Beadwork collection today!
One of a Kind!
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Categories: AntiquesCollectibles

SKU: 2222-002-693

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