Whimsy Bird OrnamentWhimsy Bird OrnamentWhimsy Bird Ornament
Whimsy Bird Ornament

Whimsy Bird Ornament

Whimsy Bird Ornament

Decorate with this beautiful Blue Beaded Whimsy Bird Ornament!  The crafter started with a blue colored fabric and covered it with Seed Beads.  The Bird sits on a perch with two red stuffed balls hanging from it.  It holds another red ball from its beak.  The wings and tail are lined with a yellow-orange satin.  The crafter adorned the Bird's neck with multiple colors of beads and tubes.  Sparkly blue Seed Beads outline the edges of the Bird's body, wings and tail. The blue fabric has some fading, however this piece is in excellent condition.
This Whimsy Bird measures about 5" long and 3.5" tall, not including the hanging perch.
One of a Kind!
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We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at chris@wanderingbull.com

SKU: 2222-333-110

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