Belt Antique Crow PanelBelt Antique Crow PanelBelt Antique Crow PanelBelt Antique Crow Panel
Belt Antique Crow Panel

Belt Antique Crow Panel

Belt Antique Crow Panel

This Antique Crow Panel Belt is looking for a new owner! The Belt measures 48" long not including the fabulous 30" long double tab drop. The crafter used Seed Beads to create the beaded design.  Lazy Stitch Seed Beads in Turquoise line both sides along the length of the Belt. The crafter used some unusual old colors including White Center Red, Greasy Yellow, Pumpkin, and Pony Trader Blue for the rest of the design. He or she added 1/4" Brass Spots to the length of the double drop.
We believe this Belt comes from the 1940s.  The buckle may be from an older belt that the crafter re-used.  Often the drops from a Belt like this will be cut off, or deteriorate.
A woman would have worn a belt like this.  The wearer brings the long double drop up through the front of the belt and left to hang in the front.
You will see places where the beads are loose and missing. This Belt belonged to a previous owner so you will see wear on it.
The Belt measures 2" wide and 48" long not including the drops.
One of a Kind!
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This item has sold but we have archived it for reference purposes. You may find a similar item available at Please click on the links below to see what we have currently in stock.

We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at

Categories: AccessoriesAntiquesClothingCollectibles

SKU: 2222-002-331

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