Concho Dragger CopperConcho Dragger CopperConcho Dragger CopperConcho Dragger Copper
Concho Dragger Copper

Concho Dragger Copper

Concho Dragger with Stamped Copper Conchos

SOLD Do not miss this Concho Dragger Copper with stamped conchos.   The crafter made this dragger with black wool.  He used a black cord to attach ten graduated Stamped Copper Conchos to the entire length of it.  At the bottom he attached a 2.25 inch long copper tube.  He cut the wool into fringe below the tube.  A bundle of dyed fiber material that resembles horse hair hangs from the bottom. The crafter attached a blue cord at the top as a tie to attach the dragger.  He also added an American Flag tack pin at the top.  One of a Kind!
The stamped conchos are very eye catching.  The top concho measures 4.5 inches in diameter.  The concho sizes graduate down to 2 1/8  inches in diameter.
Native American Straight Dancers can include a Dragger as part of their dance clothes.  Crafters make draggers from Otter Fur or wool.  They decorate them with brooches, conchos or beadwork.   This Concho Dragger with Beaded Cuff came from a collection.  It measures 60 inches long overall.  The width is 2.5 inches at the top and 1.25 inches wide at the bottom.  The dyed fiber section hangs 8 inches down from the bottom.  We got this Concho Dragger Copper in a collection.  You will see small signs of wear.  The conchos are in good condition but could use a polish.  One of a Kind!
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We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at

Categories: AccessoriesClothing

SKU: 2222-888-172

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