Pottery Jar – Polychrome Acoma
Pottery Jar - Polychrome Acoma
This large Acoma Pottery jar features Heartline Bears and geometric designs. The artist, M. Garcia, decorated this jar in black, white and terracotta Red. The artist added a lot of detail to the designs.The previous owner treated this jar carefully, and it remains in very good condition. You will see some paint spots that may have been original. The paint on the bottom has worn off a little.
The artist signed the bottom M. Garcia, Acoma N.M. 1991.
Traditional Acoma pottery comes from the Pueblo in New Mexico. The pottery usually features very thin walls, a desireable characteristic. Most artists create their pottery using hand coiled techniques. They often use Black, White and Red slip colors.
The jar measures 6" tall and 7.5" at its widest point. The top opening measures 6" in diameter.
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Categories: CollectiblesContemporary
SKU: 2222-002-005
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