Basket Navajo Style Wedding LargeBasket Navajo Style Wedding Large
Basket Navajo Style Wedding Large

Basket Navajo Style Wedding Large

Basket Navajo Style Wedding Large

This Navajo style wedding basket was made with red willow, split yucca leaves and devils claw. There are many interpretations of the meaning of the symbols woven into wedding baskets. For example the basket maker made this traditional design which shows the pathway extending from the center which can symbolize the beginning of life. In addition, the black triangles may be rain clouds in the red sky band (red rings).  The outer coils may represent the increase of the Navajo people who emerge along the pathway.
This rustic basket has some small breaks in the fibers but is in overall in good condition. As a result, this would make a nice piece to put on display in your collection.
The basket has an approx. diameter of 13″ and depth of 3″.
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Read more about coiled baskets in the Denver Leaflet Series: Types of Southwestern Coiled Basketry

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SKU: 2222-333-077

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