Pipe Catlinite Mississippi Valley StylePipe Catlinite Mississippi Valley StylePipe Catlinite Mississippi Valley StylePipe Catlinite Mississippi Valley Style
Pipe Catlinite Mississippi Valley Style

Pipe Catlinite Mississippi Valley Style

Pipe Catlinite Mississippi Valley Style

Our skilled artisan hand carved this Catlinite Pipe in a Mississippi Valley Style.   The Pipe measures 6" long with a 1" Bowl that rises 2.25" from the base.  The open end of the base measures 1.25" wide and  tapers to just 0.25" wide at the other end, creating a hatchet-like form.  A fancy edged bump up has a hole that holes the Braintanned Deerskin Leather Lacing lanyard.   Slide the other end of the lanyard on to the Pipe Stem to keep the two pieces together.
The hand carved wood Pipe Stems measures 24.5", so the pieces extend to nearly 31" long when the pieces are together.  The Pipe Stem is about 1" wide at the widest point, tapering to 0.5" at the end.  The artisan sanded it smooth and left it plain.
One of a Kind!
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We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at chris@wanderingbull.com

SKU: 2222-002-925

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