Sweetgrass Braids


Braided Sweetgrass

We sell fresh Canadian Sweetgrass in convenient braids. Sweetgrass emits a wonderful fragrance! We love it when we get a new shipment in at the shop because it smells so delightful!

These Braids can be left as they are or they can be burned as incense. We like to keep one in the car! You can keep your Sweetgrass fresher if you store it in a cool, dark place.


  • Small braid 19″ -24″
  • Large braid 22″-30+ ” ( out of stock until September 2024)
  • Sweetgrass Braid Ring tied with natural Deerskin Leather Lacing

Braids vary in width from 1/2″  to 1″ wide.

As available, we also offer Sweetgrass Bundles for crafting!    Don’t miss our White Sage and Sage Smudge Sticks!

Sweetgrass, Hierochloe Odorata, is a beautiful sacred plant growing in the northern half of the U.S., up to the arctic circle. Sometimes called Buffalo Grass or Vanilla Grass, it spreads by underground rhizomes and prefers damp lowland areas. Because of its connection to water and its sweet smell it is considered feminine. People use it for ceremonies and healing along with sage and cedar. Often, sage (masculine) is first burned to purify and cleanse and then gentle sweetgrass (feminine) is used to attract good spirits. Sometimes people mix it with the other herbs to be used together because sweetgrass helps make a steady smoke.  She is very social.

Learn more about Sweetgrass!

We cannot ship plant materials to Australia
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