9/0 Cut Seed Beads


3 Cut 9/0 Seed Bead Assorted Lot

This assorted lot of 9/0 Cut Seed Beads comes with  12 hanks of Olive Iris and 5 hanks of Black.  They are tri-cut so they have lots of sparkle!  All seem very uniform in shape. They come in individual bags, so they are easy to store and share.  Get these for your next beadwork project.

The Wandering Bull, LLC offers a wide variety of glass beads for all of your beading projects. Seed BeadsReproduction Beads, various types of Trade BeadsWampum Beads and Crow & Tile Beads are among the most popular beads that you will find at WanderingBull.com.

One of a Kind!

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