Flute Pine Black and Blue Designs
Flute Pine Black and Blue Designs
New England Flute Maker Kunnaway made this Flute. He used Pine to create it and etched angled lines on it. Then he outlined these with blue paint. He used White Deerskin Leather Lacing to attach the tuning block. This Pine Flute makes a lovely sound. You will find it very lightweight enjoyable to play. This Pine Flute measures 17.75″ long. It is pitched to A. The maker burned his signature on it. One of a Kind! Don’t miss our other Instruments! Read more about Flutes and other Native American instruments in the Denver Art Museum Leaflet Indian Musical and Noise-Making Instruments!This item has sold but we have archived it for reference purposes. You may find a similar item available at WanderingBull.com. Please click on the links below to see what we have currently in stock.
We are always interested in buying Native American collections and One of a Kind items. For more information please call us 800-430-2855 or email Chris Bullock at chris@wanderingbull.com
Categories: HomeInstruments
SKU: 2222-002-327
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